Thursday 22 March 2012


This post is one day delayed...

Yesterday,21st of march, the spring (finally!) arrived to Shanghai! It was sunny & I dressed up to celebrate such a beautiful day! I wore a skirt/dress that I made 8 years ago (!) from an apron that I bought in Brussels and african fabric that i bought in Gambia, it's my very first garment and I still love it!


Este post tiene un dia de retraso...Ayer, 21 de marzo, por fin llego la primavera a Shanghai! hacia un dia tan bonito...Para celebrarlo me puse un vestidillo que me hice hace 8 años (ya!) con un delantal que compre en Bruselas y una tela africana que me traje de la primera prenda que me hice y me sigue encantando :)

I also wore my Ayi's mittens and a little monster! Tambien me puse los mitones que me hizo mi Ayi y un monstruito!

Julu lu was beautiful...full of colors and flowers! Jululu estaba tan guapa! llena de colores y flores...

...y brotes verdes :)))....

I did a long walk, from home to the studio and from there to the office...Pasee desde casa hasta el estudio y de alli a la oficina....

I bought this mini bike as a reminder that I have to get a big one soon!! Compre esta mini bici para recordarme que me tengo que hacer con una de verdad YA!

                                                            I love this bright sunny days...
IMG_3108                                        ...Que delicia pasear por Shanghai en dias asi...

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